Thursday, 13 June 2013

Puerile politicians and a menu

Just when I'd given up bothering to follow our illustrious leaders in Canberra, and on them being in much of a way actually representative of us plebs in the real world that they're apparently trying to shape for us, we get this shit dished up to us in the national headlines; a menu darlings. Yes, a menu. This looks to be about the level of interest in Canberra amongst plebs. A menu that was at a $1,000 a head opposition fundraising dinner, only a short time out from the Sept federal election. Here is the menu that has stormed into the news here:

Note the last item, "Moroccan Quail", and the description (of the Prime Minister Gillard) "Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail - Small Breasts, Huge Thighs & A Big Red Box".... 

Lovely.......... This is the sort of childish puerile crap that Australians are getting for the taxpayers bazillions? That's supposed to be funny? This is how they describe the Prime Minister? Is this the sum total of their intelligence? This is from the party who wants to govern Australia?

Needless to say Australian women would be ropeable. Here's some reaction:

Maybe Abbott can get some more advice the next time he has lunch with Cardinal Pell here.
I cringe when I think that in all likelihood Abbott is going to be our next PM.

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