Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Holy spirit's prescence convinced Cruz to run for president - wacko US election clip of the day

Right Wing Watch reports that Ted Cruz's father Rafael Cruz, says that it was the "presence of the holy spirit" that convinced his son Ted to run for president.


I note again that these are the sorts of people Right Wing Watch reports on, and now none other than our former PM Abbott finds himself in the company of, on that site. 

Also reported there is a long list of extremists that Cruz is using to gain support amongst the fundamentalist lunar right nut jobs that exist in the US, expecting to motivate that part of the US community to use the polling both to evangelise their extremism:
Other endorsers touted by the Cruz campaign have included North Carolina activists who have referred to gay people as Satan’s minions; a North Carolina pastor who has likened gay people to “maggots” and linked them to Ebola; an Oklahoma preacher who warns that homosexuality is part of a demonic communist conspiracy to bring down America; a Virginia radio host who has blamed gays for everything from terrorism to train derailments; and a Virginia lawmaker who has sponsored an assortment of bizarre anti-gay bills. 

Most recently, Cruz welcomed the endorsement of Mike Bickle, the leader of a church that many have criticized for using cult-like practices, who has referred to Oprah Winfrey as a harbinger of the Antichrist, called gay rights as a Satanic plot that will usher in the End Times, and explained that Adolf Hitler was raised up by God to be a “hunter” of Jews. 

Cruz’s decision to tout such radical activists — not to mention his own extreme policy positions, such as promising to defy the Supreme Court on marriage equality and abortion rights — is no accident, as he is basing his campaign strategy on the hope that he can motivate tens of millions of conservative evangelicals to go to the polls. 

With Cruz now seemingly working his way into front-runner status, we fully expect to see him pick up more, and even more radical, Religious Right endorsements as the GOP primary heats up. Right Wing Watch  

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