Thursday, 31 May 2018
Renewable energy - an "honest gov add" (video)
The Juice Media has come up with another anti-gov add, this time about the gov's policies on renewable energy :)
How they cheered in parliament after caning the carbon tax, completely unaware of Australian's desire to actually keep living on this planet. So shut in their own delusional protected bubble, surrounded by yes men, they proceeded to enact their ideology instead of good policy. Now the chooks are coming home to roust.
Now people are laughing at them, and this:
Roseanne's Twitter profile pic looks like RWNJ Paterson's pic here :s
This is so strange.
Of course we all know about the sad demise of the Roseanne show over there in the US. I feel bad for the cast and crew, and for the whole show really. But as I tweeted to her, there's consequences for saying stuff on internet social media in 2018, something that wasn't around in the 1990's. It's an adjustment for all us old farts. Twitter wasn't even around back then, and it seems some just fire off stuff before engaging their brains.
In short it's not cool to call a black person an ape, ever, let alone on Twitter. I just don't know what she must have been thinking at the time to do such a thing. Was she drunk? Who knows.
Strangely, here in Australia I've been posting a lot the picture I froze from an interview of our pompous RWNJ James Paterson in which he was blatting on about "religious freedom" a look of self absorbed contempt for those who thought differently than him. I noticed when tweeting to Roseanne that her profile picture had exactly the same expression.
That is so weird. Especially as both expressions involve the expressing of far right nut job shit. Go figure :s
BTW, I've just noticed that your profile pic has the same expression as a RWNJ here (Paterson) in Australia in a recent interview about "religious freedom" here after gay marriage passed. Wow that's a strange coincidence.— Peter Hiv (@HivPeter) May 31, 2018
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
$2,000/month for HIV meds - the HIV epidemic in Atlanta US (short doco video)
This doco is only 15 minutes long, but I went through a range of emotions. Deep sorrow, but mostly deep anger. That in the richest country on earth black people are still dying of AIDS; such a rarity now in Australia that it's not even considered a public health threat anymore. Yet black gay men in Atlanta have been forgotten, and now have a one in 2 chance of contracting HIV. We're talking third world stuff here.
Mostly it appears to be from a lack of access to health care, costing FFS without insurance $2,000 a month for HIV meds, or the HIV preventative for negative people PReP which is 99% effective in preventing HIV infection in unsafe sex with an HIV+ person with a detectable viral load.
Here in NSW Australia (and Victoria) HIV meds are free, period, for everyone, no matter how much you earn. A most positive strategy by even the conservative NSW gov to end HIV infection in Australia in years to come. And PReP has now been put on the PBS here meaning it's accessible to all, for as little as just over $6 a month.
How could the US gov ignore such an HIV outbreak? To limit access to health care for the most at risk and vulnerable people? Do they love their rich more than their disadvantaged? Do they consider being black and poor the fault of the black and poor? Do the RWNJ Christians blame the blacks for being black, gay, and poor?
I'm deeply appalled. What a tragedy. My gay brothers and sisters are dying in the richest country on earth from preventable AIDS. Why? Why are you killing them America?
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
The Good Guys store sent the same broken vacuum back as "replacement" - WTF?
*Update below*
So, after the first one died after only 5 minutes, The Good Guys said they would give me a refund or a replacement. I thought a replacement might work as surely two vacuums in a row couldn't have the same problem, and it did work marvelously when it was going property. They said there wasn't any in stock and it would take 7-10 working days to get another one delivered. Fair enough I thought.
Strangely though they rang me only 2 days later and said the replacement was ready to deliver, not the 7-10 days it would have taken getting another one in. So we arranged for delivery after the weekend and it came today.
As I signed for it I noticed straight away it was in the same box as the other one. The "invoice enclosed" sticker thing was torn on the right exactly as I'd torn it. The "sold" sticker next to it with my name on it was also stuck on at the same crooked angle and in exactly the same spot. What's more, there was no Quality Assurance sticker sealing the top box lid that had to be broken to open the box.
Inside everything was all wrapped in more plastic, just like new, with all the bits of cardboard packing around it. David quickly put it together to test it. Again, just as the other one, it went marvelously for all of 5 minutes before making a strange noise inside where the motor was and lost suction. This time it was a hissing sound meaning somehow air was leaking out. The suction wasn't gone but it wasn't working nearly as well at all.
We came to the conclusion that The Good Guys had tried to pull a swiftie on us and sent back the same vacuum cleaner after trying to fix it. How could the motor be fucked on two vacuums in a row? And if they'd ordered a new replacement one, why would they take it out of the new box and put it in the old box from the other one, breaking the Quality Assurance sticker?
So I rang The Good Guys again feeling very unimpressed to say the least. Eventually I was put on to the same lady I'd spoken to the other day. They're coming to pick it up again tomorrow morning and this time I've asked for a refund instead. They of course will check it again to affirm the problem first.
I put it to her that this was the same vacuum cleaner, which of course she denied. I wasn't going to argue the point as I wanted this sorted out not bogged down in arguments. She instead said it must be a general fault with that particular model. Yeah right....
Not going back to them again after this BS. Will go to the mall and get something from BigW or K-Mart. *Sheesh*
*Update: The courier that was supposed to be coming this morning ended up coming mid afternoon, after I rang The Good Guys after lunch to see what was going on. When I rang I asked to be put through to the lady whole dealt with defective returns. The voice I'd not heard from there before knew straight away what I was talking about when I said it was a vacuum cleaner to be picked up. Telling I thought.....
I also took the precaution of taking a photo of the end of the box that I recognised straight away as the original box with the first delivery of the vacuum. Note how I tore the right hand side of it, I remember doing that. And I remember the crooked "Sold" sticker at just that angle slapped on the top right hand corner. I also put a large A4 yellow note in the box explaining what was wrong - being the motor, again.
They should contact us shortly to say about the refund. David wants to ring them and go bananas at them but I told him not to. Just get the thing sorted and the money back and never go there again.
It's not about the defective vacuum, it's about them trying to rip us off. I was quite happy to get a new replacement, but they decided to con me with the old one. This is a big company with a number of branches around Sydney, yet they're trying to rip off pensioners like this. Shame!
Father Bower schools same sex marriage to a bitter Christian against (video)
The Christian's look of disdain |
Bower in fact campaigned for civil same sex marriage during the postal survey debate and strongly supports it, despite the Anglican Church currently being against it.
Here he explains why.
I don't know why some Christians are still banging on about David and I's marriage. The debate is over. We won. Get over it.
How do you reconcile what the Bible teaches on homosexuality with your own personal belief? @FrBower & @MonicaDoumit respond #QandA— ABC Q&A (@QandA) May 28, 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
Got the MRI on my knee done today
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This is where I went today |
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Oh joy! (Random Googled pic) |
Visited the MRI place today. Strangely it was at the Sydney football stadium next to Moore Park. I thought it was a very strange place to put a medical imaging place, but it turned out it serves a lot of sports injuries that happen at the "Allianz" Stadium (latest sponsors). Including I assume from the main footy clubs of the NRL. All very private looking and plaz, with a procession of fit and built footy type blokes coming in for whatever scans.
But it turns out they also bulk bill people like me who are normal non-sporting types of which the procedure requested is covered by Medicare. Not all procedures are. In fact one of the receptionists behind the desk was talking to someone on the phone as I filled out three forms, needed at the desk, telling them that it would cost over $300 for the one they were talking about. No doubt all the professionals are on private insurance.
As it seemed quite a walk from the nearest bus stop my extremely pregnant daughter was happy to drive me in. Picked me up at home and took me very near with cheap parking. I'd scoped it out where to go on Google maps before leaving, and was able to show a much shorter way there and where the cheap parking was. Gladly I can walk a bit better now from a couple of weeks ago and was happy to go the short walk from there.
Daughter also came in and waited for it to be done in the waiting room. They were a bit late but we chatted and the time flew by. She'd been having terrible reflux problems with the pregnancy, which I can completely relate to after ending up in Emergency some years back not being able to stop spewing all day. After that I was put on Somac, which makes your brain tell your stomach not to produce so much acid. I was a different person after that. Likely she will be too once her daughter Amira is born.
So I was eventually called. As an MRI is a powerful magnetic thing there was no metal allowed. Meaning they wanted everything off except my undies, giving me some sort of weirded out disposable robe. I'd already removed my rings (including wedding ring) at home, along with my nipple ring. I had to get David to get my earing off as it's one of those ones that the ball sort of clips there in the middle by the two prongs of the ring. A real hassle. Going to replace that one I think to get one like my nipple ring that has two balls either side that screw off, with a gap in the middle. Much easier.
No metal means NO METAL, I found out. They even wanted my partial plate teeth out as they had bits of wire clipping them on to my surviving teeth. Egad! So I go in there from the change cubicle with nothing but my undies and a weird robe, missing four front teeth. Got to laugh I suppose. What else can you do?
MRI only took about 15 minutes, bloody loud. They put earmuffs on me to block out the noise with soft music playing through them, but the music was pointless as the noise was at an industrial level of loud. It occurred to me that some heavy rock would have been more suited to the experience.
The muffled noise from the MRI machine however I found a bit hypnotic. For a bit I closed my eyes and drifted of to an MRI la la land. So much as to be a bit disoriented getting off the bench at the end. Meh, just another bloody test to endure....
They came out with the images in 5 minutes. Now it's off to my GP for him to peruse. I feel like opening them to peruse myself, but again meh. Another test another question. Will leave it up to my doctor.
Another Tivicay warning - this time to pregnant women
The HIV drug Tivicay, that put me in emergency with severe abdominal pain that was undoubtedly the worst I'd ever experienced, has now had an official warning sent out about it regarding birth defects in HIV+ pregnant women. Again, only a "small chance" they say, as my stomach pain was described in the glossy booklet that there may be a chance of some stomach pain and discomfort. WTF? It was the worst unbearable pain I'd ever had the misfortune to endure. Put me in emergency with baffled doctors scratching their heads knowing nothing about this new drug Tivicay, one of them saying every time he comes across an HIV patient their meds are something he'd never heard of before.
This latest scare involves birth defects of the brain, spine, and spinal cord. Pretty extreme defects even though only a small chance.
The generic name for the drug is dolutegravir, and is also included in another brand name drug Triumeq.
As this came to me in an email from Positive Life, I've taken the liberty to post the entire contents of it below.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Courtney Act on being undetectable - for beginners (video)
New Zealand is using the same campaign here of "Ending HIV", and in this video Courtney Act explains clearly just what it means to have an undetectable HIV viral load. That means when the meds are taken properly the HIV levels in the blood are so low as to be undetectable by current tests.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Gosford Anglican Church stormed by RWNJ's terrorising congregants (video)
Well known far rights extremists the "Cooks Convicts" have driven interstate from Melbourne to Gosford and filmed themselves storming in to a prayer service at the Gosford Anglican Church in New South Wales. The church has become well known for Father Rod Bower's political church signs out the front, about not condemning gays, having compassions for Muslims, etc.
The Cooks Convicts however, claiming themselves to be Christians, believe that Bower's leftie take on the world is not Christian, and in fact is against their view of what Christianity is. To make this point they pulled this stunt.
Last weekend, a small group of Melburnian ultra-nationalists made the drive north to Gosford. Calling themselves Cook’s Convicts, the group of five were led by Neil Erikson, a man who last year, along with two others, became the first to be convicted under Victoria’s recently revised racial vilification laws. Erikson is a former neo-Nazi, has a conviction for menacing a rabbi, and was one of the men who filmed themselves ambushing then senator Sam Dastyari in a pub last year. In ensuing litigation, Erikson was found in contempt of court.
Last Saturday night, the group filmed themselves storming a prayer meeting in the Gosford church. Erikson was dressed as Jesus, and carried a whip and megaphone. One of his cohort was dressed as a Roman soldier, and carried a plastic sword. When the men entered the church, a woman could be heard screaming. “That first moment when they came through the door, all I saw was the whip and sword,” Father Bower says. “And I thought, ‘We’re in trouble here.’ It took a few seconds for me to guess what they were doing, because we’ve been through this before. It was incredibly violent in nature. Not physically violent, but it was traumatic for the congregation. It was deeply triggering for one person, who had survived the hijacking of an aircraft. It took them back into that.”
Assuming the role of Jesus, Erikson bellows into his megaphone: “You’ve desecrated my Father’s house.” Members of the small congregation pleaded with the men not to be filmed, while Bower counselled against any physical remonstration and led his group in prayer. Erikson’s group was gone after a few minutes. Police are investigating.
“Not one politician has come out and condemned that act on Saturday night,” Bower says. “Not one so far. If those five men had been Muslims, then it would’ve been characterised as an act of terror.” The Saturday Paper
Thank God for the @SatPaper. We need quality journalism more the ever before. #Auspol— Fr Rod Bower (@FrBower) May 25, 2018
Friday, 25 May 2018
Old gays attempt to interpret young gay slang (video)
At 56 yes I too am "living in a different world" than these young gays around now. Got to laugh really, how young gay slang is butchering the English language - OMG I sound so old saying that. It's a different world out there now.
At least I've become computer literate. I know so many around my age, even younger, who still have no idea about PC's and the internet. Sad for them I think. We're in the midst of the biggest thing since the industrial revolution. Only live once eh. I'm happy to participate and try and get my head around it.
U2 on Ellen - "Love is bigger than anything in it's way" (video)
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Getting an MRI on my knee - extreme pain last 3 weeks
Tried to get to the doctor last week but could barely walk it was so bad. The old war wound has been playing up something bad. One of those ironic circumstances where you need to see your doctor but are too sick to see them :s
This goes back years ago to my working in printing for so many years. My job at the end of it was on a guillotine. This involved constantly lifting and turning, putting large amounts of paper into the guillotine to slice it down to A4 size (that's standard metric letter size for those in the US - 297mm by 210mm).
The guillotine, paper on the right from off the press on the lifter, chopped paper on the left pallet lifter |
It was my right knee that did a lot of the twisting in the lifting and eventually got so worn I ended up in extreme pain. They had me treated there on premises at their gym with the gym guy using that electric thing that relaxes muscles along with some exercises, and eventually it got better. But it was never the same after that. The human body just wasn't designed to be treated like this.
So now it's flared up and gone bung again. For three weeks now very painful. Saw my GP today who's been very good at diagnosing things in my experience. He wants an MRI done, but he thinks it may be a torn cartilage. I talked to David about it when I got home, him being a rehab nurse, who said the only thing to do with a cartilage is to wait for it to heal. Thank fuck no operation!
Hope it is just a cartilage as suspected. It has been getting slowly better, but as the progress is so slow it can be almost imperceptible.
Booked the MRI for Monday afternoon, all covered by Medicare. Thank you Medicare :)
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Gov anti-gay RWNJ Paterson hangs himself defending religious freedom (video)
The face of those against us. What a privileged prick |
So in this interview with gov RWNJ Paterson he tries to make it all lovely and nice, and there's nothing really wrong with religious freedoms increasing against gay people, and it's all sensible, and let's make daisy chains and that. And everyone is supposed to go along with this and help him polish a turd> *sheesh*
However his facial expressions, body language if you will, gave him away completely. There was about 3 seconds where he gave this most vile utterly sarcastic smirk face, obviously thought no one would notice on a 2018 HD telly, or PC monitor.
However I froze the video just at the right moment I think, catching the vile self absorbed sarcastic smirk (above). A look of a privileged upbringing that assumes the world should think like him. Exactly the same as the rest of the far RWNJ's in the gov, particularly Abbott and his entourage.
This video has to be seen to be believed. I note that it's from Sky News with the interviewer treating Paterson with kid gloves. In reality however it appears the interviewer gives Paterson just enough rope to hang himself :s
Yes folks, Even Australia's right wing media is turning on the gov asylum. LGBT rights have never been a left or right political issue to argue about in the national capital for points on either side. It's always been a human issue and should have always been exempt from political game playing.
Well this frozen pic in that interview pretty much says it all about you and your attitude towards us. The look of vile self absorbed privilege wanting to discriminate against us. Delusions of grandeur overlord over us.— Peter Hiv (@HivPeter) May 23, 2018
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Our gay hating neighbours turned our gas off out the front - cops now involved
Our neigbours in the shared part house that we both live in, who are from gay hating Bangladesh and have become Australian citizens in their time here, turned our gas off via the lever out the front on the meter tonight.
I knew straight away what had happened when I tried to turn on the gas stove. It's happened about twice before over the 10yrs I've been here. Long before David and the neighbours were anywhere around. I guess as I'm openly gay had to do with it. I didn't think it was a big deal and it certainly wasn't to me. It's never been before.
This particular time however the gay hating neighbour husband was seen just before it was turned off. So this was different. A witness neighbour who didn't want to be named told us they saw him just before it happened.
David eventually decided to ring the police to see what they thought about it. All he wanted to do was to simply put it on record at the cop shop. However the police insisted that they should come and talk to us as messing with the gas was taken very seriously by them.
They were going to come around tonight but we're both tired. David's going in to make a statement shortly about it all. We honestly didn't know that messing with our gas would be so serious. But after thought it may be so?
We thought after that, what if they decided to turn it on again at some point just to mess with us? What if we had a roast in the oven and the gas was turned off, then turned back on? What if we had something on the stove and the gas went off and then back on? The oven probably would be OK, but but the stove?
It takes heaven and earth for me to snap. Unfortunately for them now I have. This is the limit. I will take no more. They're not leaseholders and have no rights being so. I am and have been here for 10 years.
I knew straight away what had happened when I tried to turn on the gas stove. It's happened about twice before over the 10yrs I've been here. Long before David and the neighbours were anywhere around. I guess as I'm openly gay had to do with it. I didn't think it was a big deal and it certainly wasn't to me. It's never been before.
This particular time however the gay hating neighbour husband was seen just before it was turned off. So this was different. A witness neighbour who didn't want to be named told us they saw him just before it happened.
David eventually decided to ring the police to see what they thought about it. All he wanted to do was to simply put it on record at the cop shop. However the police insisted that they should come and talk to us as messing with the gas was taken very seriously by them.
They were going to come around tonight but we're both tired. David's going in to make a statement shortly about it all. We honestly didn't know that messing with our gas would be so serious. But after thought it may be so?
We thought after that, what if they decided to turn it on again at some point just to mess with us? What if we had a roast in the oven and the gas was turned off, then turned back on? What if we had something on the stove and the gas went off and then back on? The oven probably would be OK, but but the stove?
It takes heaven and earth for me to snap. Unfortunately for them now I have. This is the limit. I will take no more. They're not leaseholders and have no rights being so. I am and have been here for 10 years.
"You can't pray the gay away" - hilarious US video :)
This came up recommended by YouTube to me. Oh my, they're getting to know me better and better. David and I haven't laughed so hard at a little ditty for zonks. But this one had my face hurting from laughing so hard. Apparently that's what happens at 56? Your body just gets the shits and says this is going to hurt? Meh :) I've now subscribed to this hilarious channel!
Good to see something coming out of the US under Trump that can relate so much to the outside world and make us laugh so hard! How encouraging :)
New vacuum cleaner died after 5 mins use - WTF?
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Guilty |
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"Look at me! Look at me!" |
Soooooooo, my sister gave us some money for a wedding present to get something for the house. As our old vacuum cleaner had died due to the plastic it was made out of gradually falling to bits and rendering it useless, we decided to buy a new vacuum cleaner. The dust has been building up and it doesn't help David being allergic to dust.
Upon looking online at The Good Guys we decided on the above vacuum cleaner pictured. A Volta brand one, which I'd never heard of but sounds sort of German, and we all know what good quality goods come out of Germany. So we paid the $159 for it (including the $10 delivery fee) which presently arrived the next day at our door.
At the time I was waiting for a download of David's to finish so I could use my PC (fuck this internet) so I did the deed, unwrapping it from kilometres of plastic (why do they do that - it's safe in a box and won't get scratched). I noted on the top of the box was an unbroken quality assurance sticker across the join. Looked very promising I thought.
After discarding all the plastic bags (that will most likely end up in landfill) and the cardboard holding the thing firmly in place inside the box (at least that can be recycled) I had assembled this magnificent looking thing that seemed to be very sturdy. At least all the joints that connected were. I was further encouraged. No more plastic bits falling apart!
David got home from the doctors and I ceremoniously turned it on, cleaning a bit of dusty rug on the corner to test it. It worked fantastically! OMG we were so impressed! It sucked like there was no tomorrow folks! Making very short work of the bit of rug we were testing it on. Quality assured! Multiple attachments! This thing was rocking! I think you may have to be gay to truly understand our joy here :)
And then it happened, after only 5 minutes. A strange noise came from inside it and the suck went right out of it. I couldn't believe it. We checked to see if there was any blockage anywhere and nothing. In the end I took the hose and all off and turned it on; no suction at all where the hose connected. I could have sucked harder passed out blind drunk.
Yes folks, all that effort that had gone in to make this thing, put it nicely wrapped in plastic into a box, shipped to Australia from somewhere, and it finally gets to us the consumer, only to bloody cark it after 5 fucking minutes.
What a complete failure of Capitalism and the whole idea of building something for the absolute cheapest price to give the shareholders more money, reducing the quality of the product, for it only to completely bellyflop after it just makes it over the finish line and then dies. Oh but don't worry, the shareholders have got their money....
Anyway, I rang The Good Guys and they were excellent. I explained we bought it online because we don't have transport to where the nearest store is. So they arranged a courier to pick it up today. They will test it to establish that it indeed has no suck left after only 5 minutes of use, and after that send us a replacement. Surely we couldn't get two of them in a row, both quality assured, that would cark it after only minutes? What are the odds?
To finish my outrage, this is yet another reason why the planet is being destroyed. How much greenhouse gases went in to making this product, shipping it from fuck knows where to Australia, only to have the thing useless? Not to worry though; the shareholders are happy with their money. Fuck the planet, who cares eh?
Adelaide Archbishop guilty of covering up paedophile offences
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Guilty |
And these are the churches that are wanting more religious freedoms in the wake of marriage equality. The laws should be going the other way and giving them less freedoms to act behind closed doors. Just because they're a religion they think they're accountable only to themselves. Priests who hear of child sex abuse in the confessional should be required by law to go to the police, just like in any other profession in Australia.
So the Archbishop of Adelaide has been found guilty of covering up the crimes of a paedophile and so allowing him to continue to abuse children. Australia has no statute of limitations for such crimes, with this going back to 1976. The Archbishop Philip Wilson becomes now the most senior Catholic in the world to be convicted of such a crime. Good job!
And all the time they were blaming gays.....
The most senior Catholic to be charged with concealing child sexual abuse — Adelaide's Archbishop Philip Wilson — has been found guilty by a New South Wales court, in a landmark ruling.
The 67-year-old was accused of covering up abuse by priest Jim Fletcher in the NSW Hunter region in the 1970s.
As part of its defence, Wilson's legal team tried to argue that as child sexual abuse was not considered a serious crime in the 1970s, it was not worthy of being reported to authorities.
However, Magistrate Robert Stone cast that claim aside in a ruling that could have ramifications in courts around the country.
There were gasps from those in the packed courtroom when Magistrate Stone handed down the verdict.
People were crying and shaking hands after the hearing.
Speaking outside court, abuse survivor Peter Gogarty said the verdict was "one of the most significant days in criminal law in Australian history".
"I think this will now open the doors for other jurisdictions to start looking at trying to prosecute people who deliberately looked after their institution and, literally, threw children to the wolves," Mr Gogarty said.
"On behalf of all of the victims — who have been abused in this country and elsewhere — I just want to say what an enormous relief it is that the people who let this happen are finally being brought to account." ABC
*Update*: More on what happened here.Catholic clergy abuse survivors Peter Creigh & Daniel Feenan embrace following the guilty verdict of Archbishop Philip Wilson for concealing child abuse. Had Wilson acted on Peter's complaint, Daniel & others would not have been abused by Fr Fletcher— Peter Fox 🦊🇦🇺 (@Peter_Fox59) May 22, 2018
Fletcher was convicted of nine counts of sexual assault against boys as young as 12. In late 2004, he was sentenced to at least seven years in prison without parole. His crimes dated back to the 1970s, and in 1978 was administrator and master of ceremonies at St John’s Cathedral in Maitland, under Bishop Leo Clarke. It was about this time that he developed a disturbing interest in the Cathedral’s altar boys, which usually involved a period of grooming followed by sexual assault. At this time Fletcher was living with Philip Wilson. One of Fletcher’s victims maintained that he was abused in the apartment Fletcher shared with Wilson, and the latter saw him coming and going to the apartment on multiple occasions. This same victim is certain Wilson knew about the abuse, but that he chose to ignore it. Wilson denies this.
Bishop Clarke was aware of Fletcher’s proclivities, but simply moved him to other parishes such as Gateshead and Denman, instead of doing anything to actually prevent further abuse, apparently because that “was in the best interests of the church”. This sort of coverup continued for well over 20 years, and it was not until 2003 that he was stood down, because prior to this the church “did not deem him to be a risk”. Fletcher died in gaol in 20063. He was buried in the priests’ section of Sandgate Cemetery (in Newcastle) with a marble headstone celebrating his achievements. I cannot imagine how this makes some of his victims feel. His funeral was attended by 30 Catholic priests who attended despite knowing of his crimes. Even worse, after his death, a group of his church supporters raised money to fight a High Court appeal against his conviction The Blot Report
Monday, 21 May 2018
NZ first country in world to fly intersex flag at parliament
New Zealand has become the first country in the world to fly the intersex flag outside of it's national parliament in Wellington. Good on you NZ and good on you Jacinta Ardern. As a dual citizen I'm proud that she is our new New Zealand prime minister. Not afraid to turn left and take the country with her. The country glad she's doing so.
New Zealand, for now at least, has had enough of conservative trickle down Reaganomics, which has spectacularly failed in the last 35 years since inception. Under the Ardern Labour gov the people are coming first, not being slaves to failed economic theory. As such they are more leaders of the western world than the US could ever imagine being under Trump.
Today we are flying the rainbow, trans, bi, and intersex flags on the parliament forecourt. This is the first time in the world the intersex flag has flown at a parliament. #IDAHOTB2018— Jan Logie (@janlogie) May 16, 2018
Sunday, 20 May 2018
The "small gov" gov wants to run our lives - Angry Aussie (video)
Angry gets down to it in this video about how the so called party of "small gov" have been setting about constantly to rule every facet of our lives. Particularly he uses the example of the "religious freedoms" review which as yet hasn't been released to the public. It appears Darth Dutton is trying to soften up the community for outrageous recommendations from the stitch up that the review always was, against the LGBT. He has called the recommendations "sensible", which boggles the mind given what he's doing to offshore asylum seekers.
Even during the marriage equality plebiscite, most in the conservative gov wanted to tell me and David what we were and weren't allowed to do with our penises to be able to get a human right. "Small gov" my ass.
Latest stunning Jupiter photo from Juno spacecraft
Just when you think you've seen it all from Juno, it gets another amazing picture. This one is from it's latest close flyby in it's elliptical orbit around Jupiter. The last picture I found amazing was the one of the Great Read Spot, a storm that's been storming for hundreds of years and is so big it could fit three Earths in it.
This picture is from Juno on it's way out again after it's 12th close flyby of the planet. We're used to seeing the Great Red Spot on the lower part on photos, but this shows it in the upper part, showing that there's no up or down in space with zero gravity.
Never before Juno have we seen such spectacular images of Jupiter.
Juno took the images used to produce this color-enhanced image on April 1 between 3:04 a.m. PDT (6:04 a.m. EDT) and 3:36 a.m. PDT (6:36 a.m. EDT). At the time the images were taken, the spacecraft was between 10,768 miles (17,329 kilometers) to 42,849 miles (68,959 kilometers) from the tops of the clouds of the planet at a southern latitude spanning 34.01 to 71.43 degrees.
Citizen scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran created this image using data from the spacecraft’s JunoCam imager. The view is a composite of several separate JunoCam images that were re-projected, blended, and healed. Mission Juno
Saturday, 19 May 2018
The gay porn truth (video)
Finally Davey Wavey has posted a video on this particular YouTube channel of his that's clean enough to post on this here blog. For other Davey this channel video's you can go here. Many of them aren't family viewing :)
This one is an interview about gay porn, and how so very much it's not like real life at all. A performance, with correct lighting, and correct poses, that takes a long time to film even one scene.
I guess gay porn is OK if all you ever want to do is choke the chook watching gay porn, but honestly there's no comparison to making love to the one you love :)
Gov's "religious freedoms" review released - gov not releasing it to public, WTF?
The gov has received the report (chaired by gay hater Ruddock who inspired the 2004 Howard gov law specifically excluding gays from marrying) that it decided to instigate to placate the RWNJ's in the gov. That tried to get religious freedoms legislation included in the marriage equality bill in parliament. Which all failed miserably in the national capital. A few of them (Abbott etc) stormed out of parliament in disgust not even casting their final vote. This despite Abbott previously saying he would stick by what the people voted for.
The gov however is not releasing it "immediately" whatever that means. Why the secrecy? It should be released now for all to see, especially us LGBT who "religious freedoms" laws will most affect. In a democracy this is supposed to be "open gov"? Absolutely outrageous!
Meanwhile the gov is leaking bits and pieces of it via none other than Darth Dutton:
.@PeterDutton_MP: My belief is we need to look at protections to ensure that if people wish to send their children to an independent school, that there is room for a curriculum to be taught in accordance with beliefs.— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) May 18, 2018
MORE: #SkyLiveNow
Greens Justice spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim has called on the government to release the full report, which he said was “clearly designed with the aim of making it easier to discriminate against LGBTIQ people.”
“The Prime Minister needs to release this report in its entirety, rather than just let Peter Dutton strategically leak parts of it and talk about it without anyone else seeing it,” he told Junkee. “The whole review was a bone Malcom Turnbull threw to the fundamentalists in his own party, and has been a stitch-up from day one.”
Prominent marriage equality advocate Rodney Croome has also called on the government to release the full report.
“The recommendations of the Ruddock Review will have a direct and possibly damaging impact on the LGBTI community, so it is vital the results are released immediately.”
“The devil will be in the detail and we deserve to see that detail straight away.”
“The Ruddock Review has operated under a cloud of alleged secrecy and bias so the least the Government can do is be honest and upfront now the Review’s work is done.” Junkee
RWNJ James Paterson supporting religious privilege in a Sky TV interview |
Trump didn't know the difference between HIV and HPV - Bill Gates (video)
Bill Gates has spilled the beans during a gathering of the Gates Foundation recently, on what Trump was like in meetings with Gates (video below). At one point Gates described a meeting thus:
The Microsoft co-founder was telling the crowd about a meeting at Trump Tower during the presidential transition and another other at the White House in 2017, The Hill reported.Yes folks, not that we didn't know this, but Trump has proven himself yet again to be an ignorant buffoon. Just when you think there couldn't be anything else from this man that would shock you.....
"Both times he wanted to know if there was a difference between HPV and HIV," Gates said, according to the footage shown on MSNBC's "All in with Chris Hayes." "So I was able to explain that those were rarely confused with each other." Newsmax
BTW for those interested, the HPV vaccine was in fact invented in Australia by Professor Ian Fraser, who was able to see his idea in the 80's come to fruition and use across the world. He gave the first vaccine injection himself in Australia to a Queensland school girl. Australia was the first country in the world to include the HPV vaccine in it's vaccine schedule, and today they're even talking about the eradication of cervical cancer being possible in Australia. In 2013 the then Labor gov included boys in the vaccination too.
To me it was like a miracle vaccine. At one point my late wife had a small dose of cervical cancer which they caught in time and were able to treat effectively. But that didn't change that it was the big "C" word and all the worry and anxiety it caused at the time for the family.
But I don't have to worry about my daughter now (27) who was immunised early on as a school girl. To think that the leader of the free world knows nothing about this beggars belief.
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