Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The strength of our love

Lying in bed this morning I woke up a bit and moved over hugging David. Was half asleep and sort of drifting, and he was the same. We both stayed there holding and sleeping for a bit. It was relatively quiet outside, the old double bricks blocking the traffic. The love, the feelings we both have for each other, is so strong when we simply just hold each other. You can almost taste the love, the desire, the bond. 

Has been nearly a year since we met. We've had hardly any arguments at all. The feelings we have for each of us have only gotten stronger. We laugh with each other, all the time on the same page as each other, finishing each others sentences at times. Making love, the closeness, the being almost only one person instead of two, has only gotten more intense and more passionate. Our togetherness, our love for each other, hasn't weakened or faded, but steadily increased.

He's told me he's never loved someone as much as he loves me. The point we've reached now even, I'd have to say the same for me. I loved my wife dearly, watching her slowly die and experiencing the love that comes from such an experience. Some have described that sort of thing where the partner stays through thick and thin until the end as almost "sacred". Yet I've never felt the strength of love like I do now.

Love has no sex, no confinement to social mores from the dark ages.

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