Sunday, 8 September 2013

No Senate majority for Abbott

It's back to the 50's darlings, as our new great conquering unrepresentative swill takes office. Soon we shall all have white picket fences and be worshipping The Waltons.

But before we all get carried away with fear of our new master and his agenda, perhaps the Abbott supporters need just a bit of cold water. The euphoria of winning in the lower house has not been matched in the Senate, which has some very interesting results.

Not all the counting is done, but already it's clear that Abbott doesn't have a majority.In other words he can't just dictate from Canberra what he wants, and every bit of legislation he puts up will have to pass through the Senate. Abbott is going to have to negotiate and be open to modifications of his Waltons plans.

So darlings, all is not lost.

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