Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Priest excommunicated over gays and women

Looks like my not trusting the Pope with his new rhetoric on gays was exactly right. Now we have a Melbourne priest chucked out of the church because of his views on gays and women. Here he is holding the letter of his excommunication.

A PRIEST excommunicated from the Catholic Church due to his views on homosexuality and women’s ordination, believes more than half the Australian clergy would agree with his views.

Father Greg Reynolds received a letter stating his ex-communication from the church just days ago after his resignation as a priest in the Melbourne Arch Diocese in 2011.

He believes fellow priests and members of the Catholic congregation are too afraid to express their opinions for fear of repercussions from the church.
The excommunication document - written in Latin and giving no reason - was dated May 31, meaning it comes under the authority of Pope Francis who made headlines on Thursday calling for a less rule-obsessed church. more
Well so much for the new way of the Catholic church then. Same old same old, bla......

Myself I think he's better off as far away from that crazy church as he can be, but that's just my opinion. Probably the most insulting thing in my opinion too is the fact that the only other Melbourne priests to be excommunicated have been paedophiles. To me that's a veiled insinuation that gays are paedophiles. Lovely. 
Fairfax Media understands that the only other Melbourne priests laicised against their will have been notorious paedophiles. more

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