Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Abbott's asylum policy: media management

Our great conquering unrepresentative swill Abbott has come up with a new policy on Asylum seekers; just stop telling us when another boat comes. Seriously.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's office has clamped down on information about asylum-seekers issued by his department and border protection agencies. 

Previously, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service has issued statements whenever an asylum-seeker boat arrived and the Immigration Department provided collated figures each month, which they made publicly available. 
But inquiries to both the department and border protection service on boat arrivals are now being directed to the minister's office. Mr Morrison's spokesman is declining to provide any information. Read more
I didn't think it could get any worse the way this country treats these people. But it just did. These people aren't "illegal", they desperate people who need our help. Now Abbott doesn't even want us to see what's happening to them in the news. All we have is a media blackout and all information controlled by the Abbott gov. This is democracy? What's he afraid of? We have every right to know exactly what's going on without being spoon feed bullshit by the gov. This is 2013, the age of the internet and information. Why does the gov think it has to be so secretive? Why can't we see what happens to these people?

Just have a go at this bullshit. Particularly the bit at the end. He's absolutely full of shit man.



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