Thursday, 5 September 2013

Dramatic night after David's work

Haven't had a lot of sleep last night. David came home in tears again from work. As it was late by the time he got home I was half asleep in bed and couldn't quite understand what the problem was, or what had happened. So he says he needs to clear his head and go for a walk. That's fine I thought and went back to sleep. That was at about midnight.

I wake up to go to the toilet a bit after 2am, and he's still gone. WTF? With my head I immediately start worrying if some-things happened to him and ring him. He doesn't answer. I ring again and he does. I ask where the fuck is he. He's way in Oxford St at the Columbian. Says he's coming home now. I say there's no buses (only one an hour at that time) and so he decides to get a cab. Says will be home shortly.

Unfortunately he has absolutely no concept of time. Half an hour later I ring again, this time it's three calls before he finally answers and he's in the cab not far off. He finally gets home a bit after 3am, fully 3 hours after he left to go for a head clearing walk. So by the time he gets home I'm pretty bloody pissed off. I don't enjoy being at home calling someone over and over as to where the hell they are. All I wanted was a text or something just to know where he was and was OK and everything would've been fine. Not to have to ring two or three times just to get an answer. To his credit though the music is very loud at that pub sometimes.

Anyway I didn't get to do the angry worried partner thing (I did make an attempt later but he's very hard to stay angry at darlings) as as soon as he came home he rang his work saying he'd not be coming in today. Also with an explanation of why he was so upset.

What had happened was he was told exactly who went and complained about his HIV to management, and exactly what they said. I guess it must have been some sort of a shock/trigger to know for sure who it was, along with the bullshit that was said as well. For example, the person claimed that she should have been informed about his HIV before he even came on the ward as she was worried about getting infected. Poor guy, that must be quite a thing to get past even though we know she's wrong.

Just for the record, being HIV+ doesn't mean you have to inform your workplace at all. It's up to the HIV+ person, and whether their job may be affected by having it. With me I told management as it was hard work and I was having huge problems with fatigue. With David I dunno why exactly he told management, but his work would remain unaffected with universal precautions. HIV is actually a hard disease to get. The virus doesn't live for long out of the body at all.

Anyway he's off today and going back next shift of his. He also wants to look into a possible civil suite of the female nurse who started all this discrimination and stigma.

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