Thursday, 19 September 2013

David's turn

Talk about a roller coaster.

The saying goes that even if you're a perfect couple, you'll start arguing when kids come along. Which in my experience is very true. Although my daughter is grown up and 22, she still ends up being the focus of disagreements. Yesterday was no exception.

Don't even know how we got onto the subject. David was going on about her leaving dishes all over the kitchen bench after she cooks for her and her boyfriend. It hasn't been much of an issue with me, being as I'm not working I'm fine with just washing up in the morning when I get up. But David has been going in there after she's cooked to cook himself, and there's all these dirty dishes all over the place.

So I said to him that I'm not wanting to be put in a position where I'm some sort of mediator between her and David. I'm her father so my judgement may be a bit clouded. I just said for him to go to her about it. But for some reason that wasn't good enough. I suggested then maybe a little house meeting about that and anything else needing airing. But he didn't want to do that either. In exasperation I say I've not got the faintest idea what exactly he wants then. So he gets shitty and it escalates from there.

In an argument I can hold myself pretty well, and what he was saying made no sense. Started contradicting himself and when I point that out he gets even shittier. I decide to go out for some air as it was getting a touch intense, and I walk around the block. Come back in and the argument goes on and on. I just couldn't believe he was making such a big deal over a few dishes, and going to her himself about it.

Then he fuckin looses it, grabs a pill bottle and takes a handful of his HIV medication. I'm thinking WTF? Then ring an ambulance as I have no idea what they may or may not do. The ambulance gets here and the ambulance officers haven't got any idea what the pills do either. So they talk to him and take his observations, give him and ECG as well. He appears to be OK but I'm still not satisfied, so I ring my HIV GP urgently for his opinion. He says it's not likely to do much, but it's still an overdose and he should go to the hospital. David refuses to go. Fuckin hell, by this time I'm about to start pulling my hair out.

Anyway he was fine, but it was astonishing to me that an argument over dishes ended up like that FFS!  I'm worried about him now.  He's under a lot of pressure with this discrimination case, perhaps skirting the precipice? I suggested he go to the Albion St Centre where I go and talk to a psychologist there to help him through it, but for some reason beyond me he doesn't want to.

Fuck, we make a good pair don't we :s

Afterwards we went round to a friends for a while to get out of the house.

I've been sort of stunned all this morning. Think we both are. Feel a bit numb. It was strange you know, when he was going troppo I didn't fall apart emotionally or anything. Like I couldn't feel a thing. Maybe it's a defence mechanism. 

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