Monday, 16 September 2013

Seeing doctor tomorrow

I actually can't remember the last time I saw my HIV GP. Have had almost like a mental block when thinking about making an appt. Have sort of been dragged into it this time as I'm running out of pills, albeit only blood pressure ones. I could just get that at any doctors at the medical centre across the road from me, but I better go and see my regular one. He may be starting to get a bit worried about me by now.

Have been talking to David about it and he's actually feeling a similar thing. I thought about the other day, as well that I hadn't seen hardly anything of friends around the place in the last months. Even the neighbour across the road asked me if I was pissed off with him the other month, as I'd basically been living at David's and coming home for a bit in the day.

Said to David other day, that "you're my world" now. He feels the same about me. We just don't like being apart and really enjoy each other's company. In a way a bit scary to be so in love with someone like that, even to the exclusion of other people at times. But I'm certainly not complaining. Life is about risk. 

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