Thursday, 17 December 2015

Blood pressure pill side effects - doctor visit today

Went and saw the doctor today, mainly as I needed a prescription. It can be a problem keeping all the prescriptions current for everything I take. Dunno why people think in gov circles that free doctor visits mean I'm going to go more often. I get sick to death of it and try my hardest to stay away for as long as I can.

Asked him about my legs and the gout. Still getting a little bit of swelling there but nothing like before, and the pain has settled right down. Not limping around anymore like I'm 90 years old.

He reckoned the blood pressure tablets I'm taking are likely adding to the swelling problem. He said he could change them if I wanted, but pointed out how hard it's been to get my blood pressure under control. He took my blood pressure and it was pretty much perfect.

I considered what he'd said and told him to not change my blood pressure pills as they're working very well. I tend to have stubbornly high blood pressure but we've come into these tablets which have struck the right body chord with me. A rarity.

I said the swelling is much better than it was, have even lost a couple of kilos from the fluid going away. I can live with that if it means the blood pressure doesn't need constant attention.

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