Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Abbott goes white supremist - says western culture is superior to Islam

 *Update: Muslims tell Abbott to get fucked

Queen loving Abbott has gone all self righteous about the west, and asserted that Islam must change itself bla. 

Thank fuck he's not the prime minister here anymore. Some here have compared him to Trump even.

So he blitzing the media again, this time writing for his favourite right wing Murdoch rag the Herald Sun here in Australia. Also appearing for an interview about it on Sky News last night. Honestly I can't believe that in Australia's multiculturaly enriched society that a person in his position is coming out with this crap.

Here's some of the more juicy bits of his insane article:
Demonising Islam generally or all Muslims could bring on the “clash of civilisations” that academic Samuel Huntington feared two decades back and make “Islam’s bloody borders” even more dangerous. But we can’t remain in denial about the massive problem within Islam. 

Islam never had its own version of the Reformation and the Enlightenment or a consequent acceptance of pluralism and the separation of church and state.


In Australia that means talking to decent people who happen to be Muslim as well as to “official” Muslims inclined to see “Islamophobia” in any criticism. 

Saturday’s Daily Telegraph reported local Muslim leaders blaming Islamic State on Western foreign policy but this self-excusing rubbish ignores the fact that the death cult’s victims have mostly been Muslims who think differently. 

It’s also time Australians stopped being apologetic about the values that have made our country as free, fair and prosperous as any on Earth. 

Where hate preaching is not illegal it should at least be thoroughly answered point-by-point with a very robust defence of human rights and responsibilities. 

It’s not culturally insensitive to demand loyalty to Australia and respect for Western civilisation. Cultures are not all equal. We should be ready to proclaim the clear superiority of our culture to one that justifies killing people in the name of God. Herald Sun
As I said when he was PM, he doesn't represent mainstream Australia. His ideas and musings come from the extreme right of the Lieberal party. Labor has demanded Turnbull pull the fuckwit into line. As usual Turnbull steps carefully....  

I find it offensive that he claims Australians are being "apologetic" about our values. Nothing could be further from the truth. I dunno what "values" Abbott is talking about, but most Australians would agree that our values include multiculturalism and the prosperity and enrichment that that has bought us. 

This doesn't include saying one culture is superior over another. We're all different and that is our strength. We stand for that without apology, especially to people like Abbott.

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