Tuesday, 29 December 2015

US constitution "divinely inspired" - Ted Cruz's christian father

Oh for fucks sake, give the world a fuckin break man. "Divinely inspired"? Oh pleeeeaaaase..... Think of that next time there's a gun massacre in the US then.....

BTW included in this divine inspirational is also the US Declaration of Independence.

Both are interesting and a mite inspiring at times, but FFS stop saying some invisible sky man zapped these thoughts into the heads of the people that wrote them. If nothing else it takes away from the credit they deserve for writing something that's lasted this long. 

Of course this all feeds into the American Exceptionalism doctrine; namely that US citizens are somehow better than any one else on the planet. *pffffft* 

Not surprisingly this bit of invisible sky man inspirational theory comes from christians. In this case the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Rafael Cruz has written a book (no doubt spending much time listening to the invisible sky man's voice - did he forget to take his medication?) and Right Wing Watch has a review of it here.  They quote Rafael Cruz from the book thus:
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that the reason the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States have lasted over two centuries is that they were divinely inspired and then written by men who had spent time on their knees. These were men of God seeking revelation from God, and that’s what He gave them. Of course, these two documents aren’t equivalent to the Word of God, but God certainly directed the men who crafted them. - Right Wing Watch
Note he starts with "I believe...". Well it must be right then, especially as he also says he believes "beyond a shadow of a doubt". WTF does that sentence even mean? That without a shadow of a doubt he believes? Fuck, he's not a very good writer either. 

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