Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Gay marriage is more extreme than Trump - christians

Trump has gone total batshit crazy so that's really saying something. He's decided he'd ban all Muslims from the US. I don't think you could get any more nutty than that. A shameless grope to the worst characteristics of man, to try and get into power. That's all I'll say about it as anything more is just giving space to a complete fuckwit.

But according to batshit crazy christians, gay marriage is even more radical than Trump. Along with gun control and Obamacare of course.
ObamaCare outright forces the Faithful to violate their religious conscience; we’re forced to fund birth control and abortion. 

On top of that, most gay marriage supporters want to use the power of the government to force the Faithful to choose between staying in business and violating their religious conscience through participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony, something many faiths (including the Muslim faith) see as the sacramentalization of a sin. 

Trump wants to deny foreigners access to America. Compare that to the DC Media cheering every step of the way as the Gaystapo actually put Kim Davis in prison over her refusal to violate her Christian conscience. 

Trump is stripping no one of their civil or human rights. 

The fascist backers of gun control, ObamaCare and gay marriage are. 

Trump’s Muslim ban bothers me. 

The Left and the DC Media terrify me. Breitbart  

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