Thursday, 10 December 2015

British parliament to consider debating banning Trump from entering country

Trump may think that he's insulated from the world in the US domestic bubble, but his latest comments to ban Muslims have well and truly burst it. His arrogance and fascism isn't going down at all well in England.

An online petition in England, if it gets over 100,000 signatures on the gov run website, must have the subject matter considered for debate in parliament. Currently the number of signatures is approaching 400,000. The subject is simple, stating "The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry". 

There are provisions under British law to ban people of "unacceptable behaviours or extremism exclusion policy".
A petition calling for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be barred from entering the UK has gathered more than 329,000 names, so MPs will have to consider debating it. 

The petition went on Parliament's e-petition website on Tuesday. It was posted in response to Mr Trump's call for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States. 

Chancellor George Osborne criticised Mr Trump's comments but rejected calls for him to be banned from the UK. 

Any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is automatically considered for debate in Parliament. 

Mr Trump is seeking the Republican nomination for next year's US presidential election. 

He said on Wednesday he would never leave the 2016 race, despite the volume of calls for him to step aside. 

In other developments: 
  • Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has stripped Mr Trump of his status as a business ambassador for Scotland. 
  • Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University has revoked Mr Trump's honorary degree, which he received in 2010 in recognition of his achievements as an entrepreneur and businessman. 
  • One of the Middle East's largest retail chains, Lifestyle, has withdrawn Donald Trump products from its shelves following his comments. BBC  

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