Sunday, 13 December 2015

Jesus said to join the NRA - christians

More love from the christians.......

Yes folks, US gun totting christians now say the sacred amended second amendment speaks about a god given right to own automatic weaponry that fires bazillions of rounds a minute.

Seriously, look up what you can buy over there online. Some of those automatic rifle thingo's fire so many rounds a minute that they have to have batteries in them to make them work. 

Something about Jesus said to get a sword. Which as everyone knows is just the same as the guns just described :s  I guess it's a simple matter of bible interpretation? Yep, sword 2,000 years ago means maniac guns today. 

Or shepherd boys sligshot as well. That means a gun too you know.
In truth, President Falwell’s comments are 100 percent accurate from both a moral and a legal standpoint. The uninfringeable constitutional right to arm and defend yourself, your family, friends, colleagues and even perfect strangers is not just as “American as apple pie”; it’s as biblical as a shepherd boy’s slingshot. 

In response to the explosive global threat of Islamic terrorism, Wayne Lapierre, president of the National Rifle Association (NRA), recently observed, “When evil knocks on our doors, Americans have a power no other people on the planet share: the full-throated right to defend our families and ourselves with our Second Amendment.” 

But it’s not just a Second Amendment right. 

It’s a God-given right. 

Or so says Jesus. 

He told His disciples, for instance, “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe” (Luke 11:21). 

Additionally, as he was preparing to selflessly surrender Himself for imminent crucifixion, He likewise encouraged His followers to arm themselves for imminent self-defense, saying, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36). 

Contrary to “progressive” wishful thinking, that sword wasn’t for opening letters. 

And the modern equivalent of the sword is the gun. World Net Daily  

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