Saturday, 25 June 2011

Daughter changes direction

The working week has come to an end. I worked every day this week, shit it's becoming a bit of a habit now. Can't have that! What has led me into this spurt of enthusiasm I wonder. Probably more like just putting one foot in front of the other. The two casuals they got in (including the afternoon shift guy on my machine) both had their last week there. The main job they were employed for is finished, and we've actually caught up with the Print room. They had the 4 colour machine down all week getting new rollers put in it, so there wasn't much coming out of there. It still took two shifts on my machine and the Print flagship down all week for us to catch up though. Next week I'm back on my own there, so will just have to see how it all goes again. 

Haven't been hardly drinking at all this week. Couple of beers at a different pub on the way home from work was about it. Think I was getting back into the drinking habit a bit when Simon was here. It's always better when you have someone to drink with. Usually I get very happy when pissed, but one occasion the other day got into a political argument at the local pub. Wasn't impressed with myself as I've got enough fuckin problems without getting pissed off about politics. As I'm a leftie, pretty well all politics in this day and age pisses me off. Thought I better cut back on the beer after that. 

Have been coming home, making dinner, having hot bath, then bed at about 7:30pm. Wow, what a rager I've become. It makes it much easier to get up in the mornings though, and I generally do sleep that whole time between about 8pm and 6am. I appear to be needing about 10 hours of sleep a night. Understandable with work and my immune system battling it's ass off. Most of the time the cat wakes me up, this last week has been nearly every day just before the alarm goes off. It sits there near my head and meows softly. Dunno how it knows the time every day.

Daughter has decided to stop smoking dope. Just like that, right of her own accord. She even went grocery shopping after getting paid the other day, nearly fainted when I saw it all. Maybe she's finally realised that if you spend all your money on dope then you don't have anything to eat. I was getting a bit concerned about the amount she was smoking, I mean they'd have sessions in her room and the smell would be coming under the door. But of course I couldn't say anything, I mean WTF would I know? Me, who has tried just about every illegal drug there is. She knows everything of course. I can't tell her shit. If you ever need to know something, just ask a 20 year old, because they know everything.

I wonder if she's got that trait from me; being able to just stop taking drugs at will. I know everyone is different, but I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who's been able to do that. Needles, pipes, bongs, smokes, lines, have done it all. Have always been able to pull up though when I feel it's getting out of hand. Yet I've seen others who's lives have been destroyed by drugs, they just can't stop. Bloke I knew a while back had a good job, nice car, everything OK. And he lost the lot smoking Ice from a pipe, not even blasting with a needle. It would be good if my daughter had the same sort of power over her situation as I've had. It really is up to the individual. You have to really want to stop. I've have been impressed by the change in her this last week. She's done that, pulled up with it, and changed direction. She lost a good friend out of it too, who didn't want to stop. That shows courage and strong willpower, I'm impressed.

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