Monday, 1 February 2016

Trump would "strongly consider" taking US gay marriage rights - video

And there it is. The latest Republican suck up to the maniac christians. All trying to out bible each other, Trump's latest shot is to appoint judges at the Supreme Court of the US to overrule US gay marriage.

Will the US LGBT suffer the same fate as Australian LGBT's? In that marriage becomes legal during a window only to have it snatched away by the assholes in the federal gov?
“It has been ruled upon. It has been there. If I’m elected I would be very strong in putting certain judges on the bench that maybe could change things, but they have a long way to go. At some point we have to get back down to business. But there is no question about it. And most people feel this way. They have ruled on it. I with it had done by the states. I don’t like the way they ruled. I disagree with the Supreme Court in that it should be a states’ rights issue.”

Wallace clarified: “Are you saying that if you become President you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?”

Said Trump: “I would strongly consider that, yes.”


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