This is the sort of lying bullshit us LGBT are being put through. All because the Lieberals can't get their internal divisions together, they do this to us. It's cruel. It's inhumane.
The much discredited add from Coalition for Marriage/Australian Christian Lobby, which has already been shot down in flames over the lead mother in it lying about her school saying her son could wear a dress, has had another shocker of a revelation. A second lady in the add is a doctor who promotes Conversion Therapy. Yes, you read that right. Conversion therapy is nothing more than mental torture. Imagine it being done to a straight person to convert them to being gay. It's just impossible. We are who we are.
I'm disgusted. All Turnbull has to do is allow a free vote and none of this needed to happen. Yet he chose his political ass over our lives and released the crackpots on to us. Nutters who suddenly have a national stage to go nuts at us. Turnbull and the whole Lieberal party own this. Honestly, I thought Howard was bad, but this is the most despicable, uncaring, abhorrent gov I've ever lived under, both in NZ and Australia. To treat it's citizens in such a way is beyond words.
ONE of the women who appears in the controversial ‘vote no’ television advertisement campaign against same-sex marriage has been calling on the Chinese-Australian community to oppose same-sex marriage for months — spreading misleading information about gay people, and even promoting conversion therapy.The Australian Marriage Equality add in reply to the bullshit add:
Dr Pansy Lai is the second woman who appears in the Coalition for Marriage advertisement, after Cella White, who claims her son’s school would permit him to wear a dress.
Ms Lai then goes on to claim that “when same-sex marriage passes as law overseas, this type of program becomes compulsory”.
Ms White’s claims were questioned by the principal of Frankston High School, who said such an incident never happened, while another woman, Heidi McIvor, who features in the 30-second advertisement, has also been criticised over her views.
But, Dr Lai has largely escaped the controversy, despite the fact she has been disseminating inaccurate material about gay and lesbian Australians for a number of months.