Wednesday 27 April 2016

Men read mean comments posted online to women - men shocked

This is the sort of thing that happens when people don't know who they're hating face to face. In this case men writing disgusting comments to sports reporting women. 

When people aren't actually face to face with someone, or haven't a clue about them (in this case sports dick heads in front of the telly) they are free to hate them in any way they themselves see fit.

Advice for guys behind the telly watching sport and putting down women - get to know them. You might actually get some romance and even sex that way you know.

Advice for people sitting behind the telly panicking about a non-existent toilet issue about trans people - get to know them. You might actually understand they're not a danger at all.

Advice for people sitting behind the idiot box and having conniptions about gay people with HIV daring to breath the same air as you - get to know them/us/me. I hope you understand we/I are not the terrible threat you may think I am.

People who read some of my ravings here online may think I'm being hypocritical here, but not so. Believe it or not everything I write on this blog I'd say to the face of the person involved. I don't care if it was Obama, Turnbull, or a neighbour. Everyone's the same to me. BTW I'd never use the C-word, except on rare occasions that barely even happen in life.  


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