Thursday 28 April 2016

Dopey Dutton dithers over Manus Island - PNG has ruled detention centre illegal

*Update: Australia is the only reasonable destination for refugees on Manus Island
Dopey Dutton in this interview hasn't the faintest idea WTF is going to be done now with the asylum seekers currently locked up on Manus Island, after Papua New Guinea ruled Australia's detention centre there illegal and ordered it's closure.

Yes, it's world in crisis for the "Pacific solution". The supreme court of PNG ruled the gulag unconstitutional and therefore illegal, ordering the PNG and Australian gov's to close it. The reason for it's illegality? Because it broke human rights conventions, you know basic things like holding someone in jail for years without charge and the like. 

Now the fate of those in the detention centre is up in the air. Dutton, despite acting all cool and calm, has no idea where to go from here. 


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